Friday 20 January 2017

My Favorite Drawings of 2016 Cont.

We left off last time with a picture of Ariel the little mermaid and keeping on the sea creature theme I loved drawing the picture below. This is another tutorial from Steve Beaumonts book How to draw fantasy art. My interpretation of the subject turned out to be more cartoony than the actual tutorial but cartoony is pretty much the style I like. I think she looks like a Bratz doll only with tentacles. 
This was the first time I had done a pose which was slightly erotic and I did enjoy the process of creating the pose.
Octopus Girl
My next pick is an old favorite of mine. when I was a kid I loved drawing Sonic the Hedgehog and I got pretty good at him. so for nostalgia's sake I though I would give him another go. I used various reference images found on google to get a look I liked. All in all this drawing didn't take all that long from sketching to inking to colouring may have taken only an hour spread over 3 nights.

Sonic the Hedgehog 
 During the summer I went on my first family holiday with my wife and three year old son. we went to Great Yarmouth and I thought I could do loads of drawing. It turns out that going on holiday with a three year old does not leave much spare time for drawing, but I did manage to start and finish another tutorial from Draw the Marvel Way. Arch vial of the Hulk, Abomination. I think this is my first ever attempt at drawing a monstrous creature and you know what I pretty sure it won't be my last. I found the for shortening of this drawing particularly difficult and I not sure I have total pulled it off but luckily I had quite a few green pro-markers with which I managed to give a good finish.

I was browsing the same discount shop where i found the how to draw fantasy characters when I found How to Draw Batman, Superman and Other DC Super Heroes and Villains. I was a big fan of Batman the animated series back in the 90s and this book used the same style so I had to buy it. 
My favorite thing I have attempted from this book so far has been super girl I loved the flight pose. I had to use both pro-markers and coloured pencils to add the colour because my marker collection is still very limited. The hardest parts were the hands I practiced these over and over on a separate sheet but I think it paid off.

Super Girl
The final piece I was really proud of in 2016 was my attempt at a realistic eye. I had been researching how to improve my eyes and the same advice kept cropping up. Learn how to draw realistic first so you know each component of the eye when it comes to drawing stylised and cartoon eyes. So i did just that I know I need more practice but this exercise has helped me when drawing eyes.


So those are my fave pieces from 2016. If you have popped over from Instagram you have probably seen these but I think its nice to add a bit of background here and maybe open the a way to communicate easier. So if you have any comments please feel free to post them any tips on improving would be greatly appreciated.  

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