Monday 23 January 2017

Classic Harley Quinn Art Project

Last year I bought a book called How to Draw Batman, Superman and other DC heroes and Villains. I have already posted one of my favorite drawings from this in my last post in the form of Super Girl. 
some time last year Suicide Squad came out at the pictures and everyone was drawing Harley Quinn from the movie. I thought to myself I need to jump on this band wagon so I got out my book How to Draw Batman, Superman and other DC heroes and Villains and had a go at the tutorial to draw Harley Quinn in her classic outfit from the animated Batman series in the 90s. (in my opinion still the best representation of batman on screen and don't get me started on Mark Hamill's take on the joker, absolutely excellent) anyway I set off on the tutorial of Harley Quinn with her iconic hammer and totally cocked it up. The pose was wrong and her face was terrible. So I scrapped it and decided to practice her face. 
And you know what? the face turned out pretty good so good i though I'd add some colour. Then I put it away and moved on to what ever drama my 3 year old son was causing and totally forgot about the drawing. 
Harley Quinn Pencil Body

Fast forward to a week ago when I was looking through some of my drawings for my 2016 round up blog post and I found Harley's head and thought she deserves a body. So once I had a bit of spare time, which is generally laid in bed while my wife writes in her diary, I grabbed my 2H pencil and got drawing. 
I decided to make up my own pose because the pose in the book wouldn't make sense with the room I had left on the paper (you wouldn't be able to see her hammer). unfortunate I didn't take any pics of the stick position I made I was a bit to enthusiastic to  flesh her out. 
Google is a great referencing tool so I was straight onto google images to find out how her costume works and I also found a reference for her gun. 

Added Inks
 My inking skills are a bit basic and I want to work on getting my line work to look a bit more exciting but that's a task for another day. So my basic lines are inked in the next night and thank fully I get the weekend to add some colour.
Harley Quinn in technicolour 
Most of the reference material I found just had flat colour but I was a bit worried that she might look a bit odd if her right hand boob just disappear in flat black so I added some highlights to the blacks and some shade to the reds. I'm proud of how it turned out because I pretty much played it by ear and the feel of how it should look.
My final obstacle was the colour of the gun because I didn't have an appropriate promarker colour so I hunted through my art draw and found a metallic coloured pencil I got with draw the marvel way and it worked a treat although you cant tell that its metallic even in real life.

And so ends my 4th blog post I know I still have a lot more to learn and I'm still not sure I'm uploading content that anyone is interested in so if you have any comments or addvice for me please just leave a comment below. 
Thank you and see ya later.

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